Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday at Good Shepherd

Good Friday: The liturgy of the Hours...Darkness overshadowed Jerusalem from noon to 3pm as Jesus hung on the cross until his death. This was not an eclipse because the Passover always occurs during a full moon. It was a supernatural darkness signifying the "Day of the Lord". God had come to save his people and deal, finally, with his enemies, sin, Satan, and death. There is a special liturgy called "The Hours" beginning at noon to remember the three hours Jesus endured the divine punishment our sins deserved.

Good Friday Stations of the Cross: The stations of the cross--a symbolic participation in Jesus' walk carrying his cross from the Pretorium where he was sentenced to Golgotha where he died. There will be a talk at 7pm and then the stations will begin.

See this page for the rest of the Holy Week Services including the Great Vigil of Easter...

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