Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do Animals Go to Heaven?

The Blessing of the Beasts is coming up at Good Shepherd on October 4th, 2009. Why do we bless animals, what is a blessing? Do animals go to heaven. I address these questions in the sermon from the Blessing of the Beasts last year.
Monday, October 20, 2008

Download "Sermon: Do Animals Go to Heaven?" in MP3 format

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found your sermon while looking for the answer to "Do pets go to Heaven?" Our Chester, the Cub Scout Cat, came into our lives 15 years ago at Chesterfield Scout Reservation during a Cub Scout fun day. We had just lost a pet and vowed, "No more pets."

Chester and his litter mates were dropped off early in the camp year. The kitchen staff (all Scouts) would grind leftovers for the litter and as summer camp sessions came and go, so did the kittens. All except this pearl grey kitten.

The Cub Scout fun day was the last day the camp would be open meaning running water, electricity. Campers would not be as plentiful so the concern for the grey kitten was evident on some of the staff members for the event.

For me and my two boys -- members of a Cub pack -- the day was fun but to have this grey kitten keep popping up and weaving his way through our legs was a bit much. Finally my youngest scooped him up and announced at the closing flag ceremony, "WE got him. He's ours."

The applause was warm and we decided to name him Chester after the Scout Resevation (Chesterfield). Little did we know what an exceptional cat Chester was -- he lived the 12 Points daily and I truly believe his last lesson to us was 'reverent.' He brought us to our knees as we laid him to his final spot.

So, the question for my two sons, both Eagle Scouts and now 25 and 22 years old, is "Do pets go to Heaven?" Your sermon is a great comfort to us and I pray/hope that God in His great wisdom will see His way to make it so.

In the meantime we pray and have told St. Francis, patron saint of animals, to be on the look out for one great Scout cat, Chester.

God bless!

The Robert Fortunato Family
Belchertown, Mass.
Western Mass. Council BSA